Showcase Show Day Schedule
Sunday, March 2nd
1:00 The Schoolhouse opens and dancers arrive.
The theater doors will be closed but the stage will be open to dancers and teachers. There will be no formal scheduling of stage time. If you need to mark a dance on the stage you will need to limit yourself to two or three minutes and be mindful that you are sharing limited stage time with your fellow dancers. Dressing rooms will be set up in a similar way to the dress rehearsal and will be labeled so you will know where to go. Hair and makeup (and possibly costume) should be ready for your first dance.
1:30 The stage closes and the Theater doors open for seating.
All dancers will be in their dressing, rooms preparing for the show to open.
2:00 Show begins.
The first half will run approximately 1 hour and 25 minutes. There will be a 20 minute intermission. The second half will run approximately 1 hour 5 minutes.
4:50 Show ends.
Dancers clean up after themselves and clear out the dressing rooms.
- All Dancers -we recommend bringing nude leotards and undergarments, particularly for modesty while changing costumes
- Company Costumes
If you are in one of the Competition Companies, you will bring all your costumes and necessary accessories - Classes Renting Costumes
Costumes will be provided at the studio. Please bring necessary shoes, tights, and undergarments
Mr. Robert Ballet 7/8 Tuesday 6:oo-7:30
Mr. Robert Teen Ballet 3/4 Tuesday:7:30-9:00
Mr. Robert Tap 9/10 Thursday 4:30-5:30
Mr. Robert Tap 7/8 Thursday 6:00-7:00
Ms. Katrina Contemporary/Jazz 7/8 Wednesday 4:30-6:00
Ms. Katrina Contemporary/Jazz 9/10 Wednesday 6:00-7:30
Ms. Katrina Teen Contemporary/Jazz 3/4 Wednesday 7:30-9:00
Ms. Shelly Pointe 2/3 Tuesday 6:00-7:30
- Classes Bringing Costumes
These classes are not renting costumes and should bring their outfit from home as directed by their teacher
Ms. Kayla Hip Hop 9/10 Friday 6:30-7:30
Ms. Kayla Hip Hop 9/10 Wednesday 4:30-5:30
Ms. Sammy Pointe 4/5 Tuesday 7:00-8:00
Showcase Lineup
Other Showcase Information