Tuition  Information


Monthly Tuition is based on total hours of class taken per week for each student. If more than one family member is enrolled we offer a family discount, add the rate for each student together and deduct 10% from the total.

Adult Classes use our class cards and have different rates.  Learn More

Tuition Rate Schedule 2024-2025
Monthly Tuition is based on total hours of class taken per week for each student (see family discount below)

Hours Danced Per Week Tuition Due Each Month
30 min. $55
45 min. $65
1 hour $75
1 hr. 15 min. $85
1 hr. 30 min. $95
1 hr. 45 min. $105
2 hours $115
2 hrs. 15 min. $125
2 hrs. 30 min. $135
2 hrs. 45 min. $145
3 hours $155
3 hrs. 15 min. $165
3 hrs. 30 min. $175
3 hrs. 45 min. $185
4 hours $195
4 hrs. 15 min. $205
4 hrs. 30 min. $215
4 hrs. 45 min. $225
5 hours $235
5 hrs. 15 min. $245
5 hrs. 30 min. $255
5 hrs. 45 min. $265
6 hours $275
6 hrs. 15 min. $285
6 hrs. 30 min. $295
6 hrs. 45 min. $305
7 hours $315
7 hrs. 15 min. $325
7 hrs. 30 min. $335
7 hrs. 45 min. $345
8 hours $355
8 hrs. 15 min. $365
8 hrs. 30 min. $375
8 hrs. 45 min. $385
9 hours + $395
  • Monthly tuition is based on total hours of classes taken per week.
    August and June tuition are half, and collected at the time of registration. If the student should drop before June, the tuition for June will be refunded.
  • Annual registration fee of $30 is due for each student. This is non-refundable, if the student should drop.
  • Tuition will AUTOMATICALLY be charged to your card the first week of each month, through May unless other arrangements are made for payment. A $20 late fee will be applied if tuition is not paid by the 15th of each month.
  • Tuition amount remains the same each month, as we average 4 classes per month over the dance year (½ August, September through May, and ½ June).
  • Family Discount: If more than one family member is enrolled, add the rate for each student together and deduct 10% from the total.
  • Make-ups for missed classes and cancellations due to weather or illness can be taken with any similar class in the same age range. Please ask front desk to arrange a make up class. No refunds for missed classes.
  • Tuition may NOT be prorated for missed classes.



If you have questions or need any additional information don’t hesitate to reach out to us:
Phone: 303.840.7407