Company Season Overview Information Packet
Links to packet sections
Competition Season Saturdays
Season Timeline
Event Weekends Outline
Behavioral Expectations
What to Pack
Information Communication
Competition Only Event Change
Competition Season Saturdays
As we move into our company/competition season in January we will start a new Saturday morning schedule to prepare the dancers for their competitions and convention events.
- Classes are highly recommended to dancers in any of our companies, and required for contemporary/jazz company members.
- This schedule will be an addition to their regular weekly classes and rehearsals.
- Tuition will be charged for these additional class hours. There will be no additional fees for guest teachers and workshops during these class times.
- On our two convention weekends these classes will not be held, so April tuition will be billed as ½
- To register for these classes please fill out the Saturday Classes/Event Registration. It will be emailed to you and is also available on the company portal.
Throughout the entire company season, January-April, Saturday morning classes will be focusing on convention preparation. Ballet is critical to support overall technique, injury prevention, and physical readiness. The Choreography hour will include new Contemporary, Jazz, and Hip Hop combinations each week to help dancers practice picking up different styles of choreography quickly. We highly recommend that dancers take both classes since they have been scheduled to work in tandem to support the physical health and training dancers will need for this rigorous competition season.
Dancers 12+ (Jr/Sr rep)
10:00-11:00 Int/Adv Ballet
11:00-12:00 Int/Adv Choreography
Dancers 8-11 (mini rep)
10:00-11:00 Beg/Int Choreography
11:00-12:00 Beg/Int Ballet
January and February
12:00-2:00 Company Flex Time
(Rehearsals/Workshops/Performance Prep Time only open to Company members)
- Coaching on how to attend events
- Rehearsal solo/duets/trios
- Audition prep Workshops
- Headshots
- Hair/Makeup Workshops
Season Timeline
Please take note of when these additional rehearsals and events will be occurring this season.
- Winter Master Class Series – January 4th & 5th – special guest classes from local professionals
- Company Jackets Issued
- Saturday morning classes and Company flex time
- Sr Repertory pieces on weekends with Corina & Eliza. Jr. Repertory one weekend with Katrina.
- End of January- Confirm Competition Registrations- we will post all Competition/Convention registration information in the student area for everyone to triple-check that everything has been entered correctly
- We recommend that you book hotel rooms for the events using their block discount code
- By the end of the month, we need to know of any solos/duets/trios going to competitions
- Saturday morning classes and Company flex time
- February 15th 12:00-3:00 – In-studio Showcase dress rehearsal for Company dances only (includes Solos/Duet/Trios by Company dancers)
- February 22nd 2:00-5:00 – Dress Rehearsal for Showcase Group Dances (includes Company dances)
- Weekend before each Competition – dance run-throughs on Saturday afternoons 12:00-2:00
- April 5th in studio run-through DEA
- April 19th in studio run-through Sheer
- Convention/Competition Events
- April 18th – Ballet Company Black Box Showing (Date Moved 1/25)
- May 2nd – End of Season Company Party/Awards
Event Weekends Outlines
A typical Competition/Convention weekend starts on Friday evening and runs through Sunday afternoon. When the event sends us the schedule we will send it to you immediately for your planning. Year-to-year schedules vary.
Friday Night
Dancers are often scheduled to complete their routines on a Friday night. Sometimes this night is reserved for just Solos/Duets/Trios, but sometimes it includes group numbers. We have tried to choose events that respect school hours and do not schedule routines to perform until after 4pm, but events can start as early as 8am. If we do end up scheduled too early for your family please let us know. We have good relationships with these companies and they generally try to work with us. Award ceremonies and performances generally end between 10 and 11pm.
Saturday Morning
Saturday starts early so many families opt to stay in the hotel Friday night and Saturday night. We will meet in the hotel lobby 30 minutes before the first class of the day to provide dancers with numbers and wrist bands. Dancers should be on time downstairs, dressed, fed, and ready to go straight to the first class. Some events allow parents to view classes by purchasing a wrist band. This can be done at the event’s information table.
We understand that this is an early morning and long day, but dancers are not allowed to miss any classes without prior parent and teacher permission. Please help us stay informed! We cannot be in every room and keep track of every dancer so the responsibility will fall on your family to establish rules regarding where your dancer should/can be during breaks in the day. We will be there to support the dancers but will not be able to act as a parent or guardian.
Saturday Afternoon/Evening
After convention classes end there is usually a short break before competition routines start up around 3pm. This is when the bulk of the group dances will compete again ending between 10 and 11pm.
Dancers should be in the dressing room 30 minutes before the studio’s first routine competes to join our 15 min Company warm up and group check in. Depending on when their dance is scheduled they may be warming up in hair/makeup/costume, or they may have some time to get ready later. As much as possible we want to encourage our dancers to watch each other’s routines and cheer them on, so getting most everything ready early is usually better. Our staff will be backstage to help check hair and costume before dancers go on stage, but again we love when our dancers help each other double check to be as ready as possible.
While the competition portion generally starts on time, quick changes and entry adjustments can mean that sometimes events begin to run up to two hours ahead or behind. This is where we want to utilize teamsnap to help inform each other about how true to schedule we are.
Sunday Morning and Afternoon
Sunday starts early with classes and then generally ends in the afternoon with an Award and Scholarship Ceremony. Dancers do not have to meet in the lobby before classes, but they are expected to be in their classroom at least 5 minutes before their first class. After the Awards Ceremony dancers are free to go home.
Behavior Expectations
Company Dancers represent the studio and are expected to be kind and respectful to everyone at Competition events. We don’t have control of the behavior of other dancers from other studios, but regardless of actions or words directed at us we will be kind and respectful to everyone around us.
What to Pack
- Dancers will bring their own costumes and makeup to events. We will be posting an online checklist of what should be packed for each dance.
- Dance need to bring clothes for each class style, extra hair supplies, healthy snacks, and a water bottle
Information Communication
- Most up to date rehearsal schedules will be available on the Company Portal.
- Notification of schedule changes and updates will be emailed to you in advance whenever possible.
Team Snap
- For messages and updates during the event we will use Team Snap.
Competition Only Event Change
We will be attending a different 3rd Competition as our optional Competition for Solos/Duets/Trios. NexStar has filled up quickly and we want this event to be flexible for our dancers to choose to attend it or not. The new event we would like to attend is the same weekend, but a different competition named “Fly”. More information is forthcoming.